MASC 2019 at University of Kent
Former and current group members of the Nitschke group nicely self-assembled on the stairs at MASC 2019.

Jason helps organise 6th Annual Graphene and 2D Materials Conference
PhD student in the group Jason Deacon helped to organise the 6th Annual Graphene and 2D Materials Conference.

Nitschke group at ISMSC 2019 in Lecce with two poster prizes for Larissa and Roy
Charlie, Dawei, Jonathan, Larissa, Nguyen, Nozomi, Pei Zhen, Roy, Tanya, and Prof. John Thoburn were at ISMSC 2019 in Lecce with Larissa...

Dr Ben Pilgrim presents work at Grasmere meeting
Dr Ben Pilgrim presented a poster of his work at the RSC Heterocyclic and Synthesis Group's flagship biennial Lakeland Symposium in...

Nitschke group at BPS 2019: talk from Roy
Charlie, Dawei and Roy attended the Building & Probing Small symposium in Brussels at the end of March, the first instance of this new...

Larissa presents at SupraChem 2019 in Würzburg
Larissa von Krbek gave a talk on her project with Derrick and Ben (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57(43), 14121–14124) at SupraChem 2019,...

Nitschke group at MASC 2018: poster prize for Marion and talk from Ben
1 talk, 5 posters, 1 poster prize, 1 session chair and some great science! John, Cally, Marion, Ben, Tanya and Larissa attended the...