Research Areas
Research Areas
Research Areas
Research Areas
Research Areas
Research Areas
Research Areas
Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge
Prof. Jonathan Nitschke
Jonathan Nitschke was born in 1973 in Syracuse, New York. Following undergraduate studies (Williams College, MA) and graduate studies (Berkeley, CA) in the U.S., he undertook postdoctoral studies in France, and then started an independent research career at the University of Geneva (Switzerland). The Nitschke group moved to the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) in 2007.

Eduation and Experience
Awards and Honours

Professor of Chemistry from October 2014
University Lecturer and Walters-Kundert Next Generation Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, 2007 - 2011, then Reader 2011 - 2014
Maître-assistant, then Swiss National Science Foundation Assistant Professor, Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Geneva, August 2003 - October 2007
Postdoctoral Fellow with Jean-Marie Lehn, (US NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship), Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, July 2001 - July 2003
Doctoral Student with T. Don Tilley, Department of Chemistry, University of California at Berkeley. PhD awarded May 2001
Undergraduate Student (Bachelor's Degree cum laude with Honors awarded June 1995), Williams College, Massachusetts, September 1991 - May 1995
Undergraduate NSF REU Researcher at SRI International, Menlo Park, California, summer 1994
Undergraduate Researcher at Nanoptics, Inc., Gainesville, Florida, summers 1992 and 1993
International Award for Creative Work of the Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry, September 2016.
Bob Hay Lectureship of the Royal Society of Chemistry Macrocycles and Supramolecular Chemistry group, December 2012.
Cram Lehn Pederson Prize in Supramolecular Chemistry, presented anually to an early- to mid-career academic worldwide, February 2012.
Dalton Transactions European/African Lectureship, presented anually to an early- to mid-career academic in Europe or Africa, December 2011.
Corday-Morgan Prize, the top Royal Society of Chemistry prize for early-to mid-career UK based researchers, November 2011.
EPSRC Leadership Fellowship, October 2010-September 2015.
Werner Prize, the top award of the Swiss Chemical Society, presented annually to a researcher in Switzerland under the age of 40. Awarded at the fall 2007 Swiss Chemical Society Meeting, Lausanne.
European Young Chemist Award, 1st Prize, presented following a competition open to all chemists under 34 years of age working in Europe (120 entrants) at the 1st European Chemistry Congress in Budapest, August 2006; media coverage included television and radio interviews, five newspaper and magazine articles, and write-ups in Angewandte Chemie, Chemical & Engineering News, and Chemistry-A European Journal.
Swiss National Science Foundation Professorship, an award that would have covered four to six years of salary and research support in Switzerland starting August 2007. Withdrawn upon the PI's move to Cambridge.