Academic Position for Dr Kecheng Jie
Congratulations to Dr Kecheng Jie, a former Marie Curie Fellow in the group, who leaves to take up a position as a Principal Investigator...
Congratulations to Dr Hugh Ryan
Congratulations to Hugh on passing his PhD viva! Hugh was examined by Professor Mike Ward (University of Warwick) and Dr David...
Congratulations to Dr Bao-Nguyen T. Nguyen
Congratulations to Bao-Nguyen T. Nguyen on passing her PhD viva. Nguyen was examined by Dr Xavi Ribas (University of Girona) and Dr Laura...
Academic Position for Dr You-Quan Zou
Dr You-Quan Zou leaves the group to take up a position as a group leader at Wuhan University. You-Quan will start his own research group...
Academic Position for Dr Dawei Zhang
Dr Dawei Zhang leaves the Nitschke group in order to start his independent academic career in China. He will become a tenure-track...
Academic Position for Dr Charlie McTernan
Dr Charlie McTernan leaves the group to take up a group leader position at the Francis Crick Institute in London, joint with King's...
Academic Position for Dr Larissa von Krbek
Dr Larissa von Krbek leaves the group to take up a junior group leader fellowhip at the University of Bonn. Larissa will start her own...
MASC 2019 at University of Kent
Former and current group members of the Nitschke group nicely self-assembled on the stairs at MASC 2019.
Antiaromatic nanocage is C&EN’s molecule of the year 2019!
We are really proud that C&EN awarded the antiaromatic nanocage as molecule of the year 2019! Big thanks to everyone who voted for it!...
Academic Position for Dr Ben Pilgrim
Dr Ben Pilgrim, a Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Research Fellow, leaves the group to take up an academic position at the...